May all beings, everywhere, be happy and free. And may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.

Hi!! I am so happy to connect with you!
My name is Cristina and I currently live in Miami, FL. I was born and raised in Quito-Ecuador.
I fell in love with Yoga in 2010 and understood how Yoga has the ability to heal the body, mind, spirit and soul.
Yoga has helped me during some of the hardest times in my life so I have made it my life purpose to help as many people as posible to discover their own healing power.
In 2014 I became a Certified Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher. I teach different styles of yoga, from Slow and Stretchy to your Classical Vinyasa to Power Yoga.
I also teach in two languages:
English and Spanish
Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, you will be in for a mindful yoga class.
Follow My Journey on Instagram!

I met Cristina and instantly felt so comfortable. My friend and I have done her at home private lessons for years. Her weekly privates are something we look forward to. She truly transforms bodies helping you to get to your best healthy possible self but most importantly she transforms your mind. She is so wise, carrying and heart warming. She has a heart of gold and puts so much love in every practice we’ve shared with her. She takes her time and it is so therapeutic for the mind and body. Couldn’t recommend her more. She’s is such a beautiful teacher and an inspiration to us.
I met Cristina through a friend that went to her Sunday events in South Point Park. She highly recommended her for an event I was hosting. After that event Cristina quickly became a very close yogi teacher and friend. She started coming to our home for privates outside once a week and even got my husband to stat practicing weekly with me! Her class always leaves us with a happy yogi high and makes my days brighter. Love how she takes the time to end her class with a meditation, lesson and throughtful light message to relax you even more!